Who We Are
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, which was begun by Rev Sun Myung Moon and Dr Hak Ja Han Moon on 1st May 1994, is the place where families can connect with God’s heart, receive God’s Blessing of Marriage, and promote a Culture of Heart that is centered on God, our Heavenly Parent. It is a place where all people and organizations that recognize the sanctity of the family, whether they be churches, schools, businesses, or other, can come together as members of God’s family.
What We Teach
Introduction to the Divine Principle
Discover the power of the Divine Principle [DP], the teaching of the
Reverend Sun Myung Moon, to unlock your God-given potential and find
true happiness in your life.
Our Origins
The life work of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, spans a time of dramatic global
transformation from the two World Wars, the Cold War and the dawn of a new millennium.
Media and historians record the major political, economic and social developments,
disasters and crises, but there are other significant developments that are not given
serious consideration by contemporaries. This is especially true of visionaries and
founders of religious movements. The life and work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon is one such
development that is not widely known.
For more info, view International FFWPU Website
You will see evidence of the life of a true visionary, learn about his work
to create a world of peace and learn about the profound appreciation for his
work and vision by a global network of friends, allies and supporters of every
religion, race, culture and profession. Rev. Moon ascended to the spiritual realm
on September 3, 2012 at the age of 92. His wife, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon continues
to build on his enormous legacy with the growing number of followers worldwide.
Scholars of religion have recognised that the FFWPU grew to become the largest
religious movement in history, during the life of its founder.
View Washington Times report of their founder, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Passing:
Reverend Moon Dies aged 92
The spiritual principles that the founder Sun Myung Moon reveals or re-affirms
are the principles by which he has lived his life – an extraordinary life whose
story is simply but beautifully told in his recently – published autobiography,
“As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen”.
Our Beliefs
The teaching at the heart of the Family Federation movement, the Divine Principle,
is seen by our members as a revelation from God for this age, describing His
plan to lead humankind into a new era. The Principle explains the heart and
original purpose of God’s creation, and the real reason for the dysfunction
of the first human family which has been humanity’s curse throughout the ages.
Then the Principle explains the current Providence of God to liberate His
children through a messianic figure. The Divine Principle and its application
gives one the keys to a genuine religious lifestyle, helping us to understand
our individual and collective responsibility.
The Principle of Creation
Throughout the ages, certain questions have occupied people’s minds and
hearts in their spiritual search: what is the nature of God; how and why did
He create the universe and humankind; what spiritual laws govern the universe;
does a spiritual realm exist beyond physical perception? If we had inherited the
true love of God originally, our lives, and indeed the history of the world, would
have turned out very differently.
The Human Fall
Deep within every person is the desire for goodness. Yet in seeking to do good,
each of us finds an opposite inclination within ourselves. As a result, our
world suffers from these same contradictions, and is in turmoil. How did evil
gain such a hold and how can we get to the root of the problems that beset humankind?
Our liberation will be God’s liberation too – set free to enjoy a relationship of
genuine love with people who reflect His nature.
The Life and Ministry of Jesus
When it comes to the extraordinary life and sacrifice of Jesus, we have largely
assumed that because things happened a certain way, they were meant to happen that
way. But what if Jesus had been truly welcomed as the Messiah in his lifetime, what
difference would that have made? How has his suffering been compounded as God’s plans
have been thwarted as a result of our ignorance?
The History of Restoration
Ever since the Fall, God has been working to restore men and women to their true
state – so we can live as we are meant to live, fulfilling our potential to give
and receive love unselfishly. There is a necessary process involved to have human
beings respond effectively to God’s guidance and to right past wrongs. Secrets of
the Old and New Testaments are revealed that become powerful tools to assist us in
our spiritual life.
The Parallels of Providential History
People who have studied history have often pondered such questions as: is there
an inner purpose behind historical progress? Why do events of a similar nature appear
to be repeated at different times in history? When we examine the history of humankind
from the viewpoint of God’s providence, distinct parallels emerge between the 2000 years
prior to Jesus and the 2000 years after.
The Second Advent
The Jews still await the coming of the messiah; the Christian world has been looking
forward to the return of Christ. The idea of a returning saviour is present in other
faiths also. The Principle shows how these ‘expected ones’ are ultimately the same
person, or couple, who will lead us through the final stage of God’s work of re-creation.
Their task, as new, true parents for humankind, is to bring real solutions to a morally
corrupt world.
Marriage & Family
Marriage & Family